Entries in Mundrl (2)


085 – Of Swords And Equipment

Shortly the aid returned with two bottles and some rags. Several of the papers and books were moved and piled aside. Cuinton took a rag, opened one bottle, put the rag over the opening and splashed a bit onto the rag. He handed the bottle back to his aid, which closed it and put it on the table. He picked up the sword and started at the hilt wiping the grime and scabbard residue from it.

Steven could see that he probably would not get all the staining off the metal, but the blade was soon cleaner, and the surface features caught the light. Steven could see some of the grain of the metal.

Cuinton cleaned both sides, for about halfway from the crossbar to the tip. The rag was put aside and another used to wipe the alcohol off. Then he used the first rag with the second bottle, this was evidently a light oil that left a sheen on the blade. Cuinton stepped over by the window, Steven and Mallob following.

He held the blade in the light, letting it glint off the surface features, and examined it. He soon stopped. Then he called out short words in language that Steven did not recognize.

Cuinton finished and handed the sword back to Steven. He then moved back to where another aid was writing and comparing to another written document. The two elves conferred in their own language.

Steven held the sword in the light, and was quickly able to see a series of characters that ran along beside one fuller. These were a different color from the rest of the steel of the blade.

Finally Cuinton turned back to Steven. “I believe that is the sword we selected for you. From the history we have of if, it should serve you well.”

“How so?” Steven vaguely remembered Verigan saying something about this, but was focused on other things at the time.

Cuinton picked up a sheet of paper and looked it over. “The wielder of the sword apparently ‘could not be touched by magic. It is described as being a straight two-edge sword, simple crossbar, wire wrapped grip'.”

He put the sheet down. “It looks like the wielder of this sword has some protection against magic. Its history is that the first recorded wielder used it to win the kingdom of Nydecia. It was then passed down the line of kings, defending the kingdom, and expanding it a little from time to time.”

Cuinton picked up another sheet. “This is from another source: the sword with have the characters 'TI=SO+ND' inlayed on one side. Which we have just found.”

The old elf moved on to other information. “From what we have learned about the rulers of Krogg, this will be a good tool for you. The queen has some kind of magic bargain, and has not been seen in public in years, but is known to still be alive. The king used magic imbued armor and other tools to preserve his life on the battlefield, but has not been reported on the field in some years. There are reported to be several casters of assorted flavors in their employ.”

“My wife encountered one of them,” Steven interjected.

“So,” Cuinton continued. “We do not know all the facts. But have given you all we have at the moment. Now, I understand you are due at Master Mundrl’s as soon as you can get there, whether this afternoon or in the morning tomorrow.”

“Yes, I am.”

“Very good. He and his family are well skilled, and will be good for you. Now, unless you have something else for me, I have other business to be about.”

Steven considered. “No. There is not anything I can think of.”

The old elf nodded to Mallob, gathered his notes, and then turned and left; his three aids who had been in attendance following. One paused long enough to retrieve the bottles and rags that had been used on the sword.


As Steven reviewed the meeting that evening to Roxanne, he presented Mallob’s notes. As soon as Steven finished his report, she took the notes aside to the window and began to read them in the late afternoon light.

After briefly marveling at being able to recognize and read the elf alphabet, she settled into reading and sorting the information out.

Steven got the sword out, and the two bottles he had acquired on his way home. The first was white alcohol, with which he rubbed the blade down. With some patient work he had most of the discoloring off of the blade and all of the residue. Then he worked over the hilt, being careful not to let the alcohol soak into the ivory. When finished he put the closed alcohol bottle aside and opened the second bottle. This had light oil that he rubbed into all the metal components of the sword. The oil rubbed into the blade, causing the darker grain to be more visibly distinct from the lighter grain. He also could see the pattern of the characters that looked stamped into the blade between the fuller and the edge on one side. The bronze did not soak in the oil as quickly but did take in some. Steven carefully rubbed oil into the crisscrossed wire wrapped around the ivory.

Just as Steven carefully worked the sword over, Rox carefully digested the notes she read.

Steven put the sword aside on a chamois, then left and quickly returned with a cart with dinner for the two of them.

As they ate Rox reviewed the notes with Steven. She would read the notes in the written language, translate it to English, and then they would discuss it at length. Their discussion came down to one topic that Mallob had sprinkled in comments through out the notes. How would all this be resolved? The largest hole in information was what the real motivation of Krogg was.

As they talked about this, Steven wrote things down in his journal. Roxanne came to a realization about a way to ‘force’ things to swift conclusion. The bad guys in Krogg wanted the kids and would keep coming back for them. So, do not wait for the bad guys to come again, rather go hunting for them. But would the kids be ready?

Roxanne reviewed the available notes, retranslating them for Steven, and explained what she was comprehending them to say. Then she told Steven that depending on what they found in Krogg, she wanted to get the kids, and then go confront the Warlord and Queen, and hope that the kids can win, rather than run and hide until they are adults.

Steven listened to this, and did not like it. He just wanted to get the kids and go home. Since they do not have the full understanding of Krogg’s pieces of this puzzle, they would have to hold off a final decision. In the mean time Steven had his appointments with his outfitter, Rox was to finish with hers, and continue her magic lessons. Once both outfitters were done, and Master Iver was happy with her abilities, they would be on their way.


Journal of Steven Caplan: Day 119

Rox has been learning magic and occasionally visiting her outfitter. Now I get to get my costume reworked. There are a few things I would change if I had the means. The question is can I communicate what I would like to change things to effectively?


Steven had finished eating and cleaning up breakfast when the elf came for him. It was not Verigan.

“I am here to take you to be outfitted. Don all your gear, and come with me.” The tall elf just stood by the door, passively waiting.

Steven quickly turned to, pulled on his vest and belt, shouldered his crossbow, and picked up his coat and pack with bedroll, then followed the elf out. Outside the hotel they climbed into a waiting coach. Steven settled into his seat putting his bedroll and bag, coat, and crossbow on the seat next to him, and adjusted his sword's position so he wasn’t sitting on it. The elf watched with passive interest, like many officers that Steven remembered from years ago.

They moved through the morning traffic and into the market district. The coach slowed as it moved through the crowd. Steven watched, curious at the activity. He felt that the markets he had seen were much like open-air malls, but with the sellers actively hawking their goods.

The coach pulled up to a shop on the side that Steven was not watching.

“We are here.” The elf moved to the door as it opened from the outside.

Steven grabbed his things by their straps and climbed out. As he stepped onto the dusty cobblestones of the sidewalk, Steven looked up at the sign. The script was unreadable, but the writing looked plain, and relatively unadorned. The sign was stained embossed leather over wood, the meaning was later apparent.

The elf moved forward, Steven following in his wake. They moved through the door as an attendant held it. Steven entered the shop unsure of what he would find, and feeling a bit self-conscious; both from his being in full kit, and being the shortest adult there.

Half the shop looked like a cross between a leather and cloth shop; furs and tanned leathers on tables and rolled up in shelves arrayed like wine racks. Bolts and rolls of fabric were somewhat intermixed in the middle of the area, and filled one entire rack. Six female elves with young children in tow were conversing over one of the tables of material. The other half to the shop looked like a condensed and abbreviated version of an outdoor equipment and outfitters shop, with bits and pieces of all sorts of stuff on the shelves and in bins. For all this, the front room looked a little more than sixty feet wide to his left and twenty feet deep from the door in the corner. To the right by the door was a counter where a petite female elf, taller than Steven, was minding the cash box and books.

Steven’s escort barely noticed her as he glided straight to the back and through the rear entry to a room of equal size, though oriented deeper than it was wide. On Steven’s right were changing booths along the wall with high windows above them. A work table and stool stood on the left, with shelves lining the walls, floor to ceiling; Steven estimated about sixteen feet up. A ladder stood to one side against a shelf. Another elf walked in from the opposite door, a young elf who was evidently his son in tow. Both were dressed for utility, with a chamois apron over silk shirts, linen trousers and leather shoes.

The two adult elves conversed quickly, the escort motioning to Steven. The boy was about a hand span shorter than Steven, but looked like he was in his early teens. The adults finished and turned to face him, the escort addressing him.

“This is Master Mundrl. He is to outfit you properly, for much of what you carry is deemed unsuitable for what lies ahead for you. As he does not speak any language you know, I will remain as interpreter. Now, please empty all your pockets, pouches and so forth onto the table, including unsheathing all your weapons, and unrolling your bedroll.”

Steven was not sure about the unsuitability of things, but was not yet ready to argue.

First he put the bedroll onto the table. Used to tables at just below belt level, he felt a bit awkward reaching for one that was almost at chest level. But he quickly filled the area of it with stuff from his pack and vest. First he unrolled the blankets, and put his larger things down into them. Next he emptied his pack, pulling out the change of clothes; this included several sets of socks and underwear, his own and the two sets for his kids. Two swords were put down on the end of the blankets, one with a leather scabbard and belt. Several knives and various implements for equipment care went next to these. His coat, gloves and hat were put down beside the bedroll. In the middle of the blankets Steven put down his tinderbox, and all the toys from Terra; a leatherman, his camera with two rolls of the film used, the third roll a bit more than a third done, his binoculars, mess kit, and so forth. Some pebbles, twigs and leaves fell out and got brushed aside as things were opened up and set out. This left Steven standing in his trousers, shirt, and boots.


086 – Of Aristocratic Elves And Bourgeois Elves

The boy had disappeared, while Master Mundrl and Steven’s escort were sorting through his clothes. They put his underwear aside, discarded his worn socks into a separate pile, and were going over his BDU trousers. They looked at the setup with the pockets and storm flaps pulling a bandanna from a pocket, jabbering to each other in their tongue. Then the escort turned to Steven, translating.

“You carry things in your thigh pockets?”

“Gloves, bandanna, other soft things.” Steven answered.

The elves jabbered a bit more, as the trousers were turned inside out and the Master examined the seams. The translator spoke a bit more.

“Do you kick much in your fighting? Crawl around, or stretch your legs wide?”

“I don’t kick much, but full movement at my hips is good.”

This was relayed as the trousers were put aside. The costume from the Palace was glanced over, and then put on top of the discarded socks. The rest of his clothes were looked over, but little asked of. Most of his actual gear was ignored, but his leatherman got a few moments of play before being put back down. Then his vest was all but ripped apart as every pocket and seam was examined.

The boy had returned with a notepad and his father, Master Mundrl, began jabbering at him as the boy recorded. Then the two adults jabbered.

“Do you find the vest and pack acceptable?”

“How do you mean? I’m used to it. Everything is where I expect it.”

The adults jabbered, as the Master continued to inspect the vest, hefting it and testing its openings.

“Does it repel water? Does it dry quickly?”

“Parts of it act as a sponge. But it is tolerable.”

Master Mundrl stopped as this was relayed. He then put the vest on the pile with the suit and socks. He examined the pack inside and out, removing the water bladder in the process and setting it back down when done. The Master then spoke through the other elf to Steven.

“Is the pack as tolerable as the vest?”

“Yes, but I would have brought a different one, had I known what I was getting into.”

This elicited a rapid back and forth that Steven correctly guessed the generals of. Steven interrupted it, with a wild idea that came completely out of the blue into his mind.

“I presume that this is the discard pile. And what’s here is to be replaced. If I could get the pack I would prefer, what would happen?”

The escort translated this. The Master looked from the escort to Steven, and back, and then spoke a staccato of words. They went back and forth for a bit, and then stopped. The escort stayed quiet. Steven had no clear idea about elfin gestures and expressions, but guessed that his escort was frustrated and feeling put upon. The escort then spoke, making a swirling motion with his hands. Master Mundrl beamed.

The escort turned to Steven. “I will need to tell my clan leader. How fast could you do your merchandising were you sent home?”

“I would guess one, maybe two days.”

The escorts look darkened, as the other beamed and picked up the old sword. He inspected it, mumbling to the boy, who filled a page on his stack of notes just about the sword. The other sword was next, the scabbard dismissed as serviceable, but obviously not made by a craftsman.

A question was relayed. “Do you intend to keep and use this sword?”

“Keep? Yes. Use? Doubtful, if the older one is better.”

The crossbow and its bag for bolts were looked over and moved on from with little comment.

Steven interjected, picking the weapon up. “This is small for me.  Could I find one bigger? I have not been anywhere that I could wait for one to be made, before arriving here. Nor have I really had time to shop here for one.”

Steven shouldered the weapon as he was want to, and then moved his hands to where he would prefer, moving the weapon off his shoulder, and his front hand off the stock to slightly in front of the bow.

The translator made no effort to provide any input. The Master looked thoughtful, and the son just made notes. After a moment, Steven put the crossbow back down.

The rest of the stuff was sorted and finally the bedroll exposed. It was the only part of the kit that Steven felt any embarrassment about. He pulled it apart, keeping 2 blankets as the third was immediately put in discard. As the Master inspected the other two, he moved one to the discard that Steven pointedly moved back.

They looked as each other for a moment.

Master Mundrl nodded once, and left it in the keep pile. Finally the Master picked up Steven’s greatcoat, which he had managed to keep in good condition. He looked it over, and held it out to Steven. Steven put it on, and they moved over to the block in the dressing area. Steven secured it in place and settled it. The Master babbled to his son, as he pulled and adjusted.

Then the elves looked at Steven’s boots. These elicited a bit of an argument between the elves. Through the translator, Steven was asked if he wanted new boots, as those he wore were very definitely showing wear. Steven responded that if he could get new ones from home that could be then taken apart and used as a base, that would suit him; the boots he had seen here did not impress him at all and the few he had tried were not comfortable.

The Master elf turned to the escort, and they spoke at length for several minutes. Steven got down, pulled the coat off and began to repack his stuff in the discarded bag, when Master Mundrl stopped him.

“Go home. Get your things. Come back.” The Master spoke in English.

Master Mundrl smiled at the escorts discomfort, as the boy left the room sniggering. The escort left, motioning to Steven to follow. The boy returned with a box that all Steven’s ‘keep’ pile went into.

Master Mundrl spoke again. “You get new clothes, new vest, and pack. You bring comfortable pattern. We make it.”

He bowed, with bubbling mirth in his eyes.

Steven returned the bow, finished packing the discard pile in to the pack, took his coat, belt knife, camera and film and followed his escort.


The escort was still huffy over being the butt of the merchant’s humor as he entered the suite where the Caplan’s were staying. He first spotted Roxanne, then found Caspian there and spoke rapidly to the mage and left.

Steven collected Roxanne as the others talked, and watched the elf leave. Caspian stood dumbfounded. Rox watched the elf leave, with a look of amusement.

Finally Steven broke the silence. “Well?”

Caspian turned to them. “Pack for Terra. You’re going shopping. How did you manage to offend him?”


The conversation during dinner in the café oscillated between offense given and taken, and what would be wanted to purchase and otherwise acquire on return to Earth. Just as dinner finished, Master Iver’s Assistant brought two stone disks a bit larger than dinner plates, gave them to Roxanne, and left.

With the meal done, Caspian took the disks in hand and led out from the café back to their rooms. “We need to leave the city to use these. Then Roxanne will teleport us to the convergence point. I will take us to Terra. However, we had best keep things quick. Any more than three days, and the elves will presume that you have given up.”

“Earth days or local days? And then what will they do,” Rox asked.

“Probably local, which are longer than Earth. Then they retrieve your children on their own, and raise them themselves here.”

Steven stood. “I say we go as soon as we can. I just left all my clothes at the outfitters.” He put his coat over his arm.

Caspian shrugged. “Fine with me.”

Roxanne moved toward the bedroom. “I’m going to change. I’ll be right back.”

Steven looked around after watching her leave. “Where’s Cyrril?”

“Out, somewhere. I send him away when I have to talk to elves. The stuffy galumphs needn’t have him to tell them what I think of them.”

Half an hour later, they walked out of the hotel where Cyrril joined them. They headed for the city gate. Master Iver joined them as they walked, but stayed quietly aside, and perhaps unrecognized by all but Roxanne.

Once outside the gate, Caspian picked a spot off the road and where it looked like few came directly and set one of the disks on the ground. Using it for a locus, Caspian guided Roxanne in the teleport spell to carry then across the continent to the stone circle where Roxanne and Steven had first set foot on Tywacomb. This took a bit of work; Rox had no clear memory of the circle, so she he instructed her in finding it by its unique arrangement. Once done, she set up the rest of the spell and cast it.

The spell was a variant on the one Caspian used, using Rox’s staff for the center. They all watched the land fall away, arc under them, and finally tip over and accelerate at a mountain.

They landed in almost the center of the circle of stones. Rox and Steven stepped aside and sat on stones large enough to hold them. Caspian leaned on his staff for some support and walked aside.

“I have no idea at which of the two points on Terra we will land, or what time of day. Also I hope you know just what you are after.” Caspian dropped the second disk out of the way.

Steven patted the parchment that he had written his and Roxanne’s wish lists on, hoping nothing had happened to shut down their financial accounts. He also had his camera and film; he used up the last of his third roll as they waited, taking a multi-image panorama of the view. Rox had a few things with her, including a leather bag containing her new jewelry set, and another with all her dirty laundry. They rested a bit, as Caspian set to charging up with mana, Cyrril doing the same. Roxanne looked about in some wonder, and stretched her awakened sensitivity to magic, soaking in the sensation of the several ley lines.

It was late afternoon, and the sun was low on the horizon, with one of the twin moons visible at about its zenith. After an hour of sitting and taking Caspian reported that he was ready.

The three stood in a circle at the center and each gripped Caspian’s staff with their right hands. Caspian then cast the spell to travel the ley lines to Terra. They all felt awareness leave them, coupled with a sense of upward acceleration.